- ポットローストから出る肉汁を利用してグレーヴィーを作る
use the liquor from the pot roast to make gravy 意味
- "use the lather as shaving cream" 意味
- "use the lavatory" 意味
- "use the lending service of a library" 意味
- "use the letterhead of london university" 意味
- "use the library effectively" 意味
- "use the loan service of a library" 意味
- "use the local affiliate of a major ad agency" 意味
- "use the logo on one's own products" 意味
- "use the machine when you need some quick cash" 意味
- "use the letterhead of london university" 意味
- "use the library effectively" 意味
- "use the loan service of a library" 意味
- "use the local affiliate of a major ad agency" 意味